Friday, December 30, 2005
dedication post
its dec 30 now..
got lots of stuff to say to fuhua frens bfor we go to sec schh nxt yr
b prepared this is going to b one LONGGGGG post
but its dedicated to you guys
so youre must read it ar
okkay six aie ppl first :P (in register order0
shiteng-thanks for the comfort you gave.esp during the times we cried on the phone.haha.i wont forget the time we prayed together for you.but i hope one day i can br you to churchh.i really really hope you'll bcome a hen you qian tu.JIA YOU!!:P
clarice-youre the quiet girl sitting at a side.but it was great to know you better over these six yrs.youre really nice and sweet so use it to cheer someone up and brighten someones day k?
jocelyn-the one i shared the most tears with.haha.had a really great time knowing you.the quarrels we had.the cold wars.but not forgetting the fun and happy times too :p youre like a mother to all of wise and nxt time got problem i wont forget to call you de.haha.use your gift of wisdom and comfort to help others and bring them to God.
joelyn-my bestie!!really glad to b able to share all my thoughts with you.wont forget our banana singing craze at je swimming complex.had so much fun!haha.and we took sooo many neoprnts together youre making me go broke.hope you will bcome a Christian one day.mus keep in touch k?not a request,an order.haha.
kang jie-beholder of plenty of my secrets this yr.haha.glad to know you since p one.and thanks for all the laughter we shared.going nuts.haha.and that time we had at christofori choir for that concert.we had so much fun driving the teachers nuts.haha.continue growing in God!!
siying-loved the times we had during pe.thanks for always standing up for me.youre a really great friend.all the best in your future endeavours! =)
jolene-ah one of my besties.really glad to know another sister in the really set an example for me.telling me not to swear.and guiding me.reminding me to pray.showing me the right way.really thank the Lord for you.and gd thing youur sch is so near you after schh regularly ya?
tien-CHERYLTEHH!!haha.congrats on getting into rgs.the genius as hard and you'll hav a brighter future than me.haha.hope you had fun with us these six yrs.and sry bout those times we bullied you.(actually it was mainly erv)haha.oops erv is going to kill me now..
jillian-rmb the fun time we had getting lost at bugis.haha.and the first neoprnt i took was with YOU.haha.and you were my first bestie in pri we hav a long history.haha.and FERGUS ROCKS.and me you and gabbie are forever the SMURFSS.haha.thanks for pei-ing wo in dying while we hopelessly lost to the guys in halo two.haha
zeng xue-only got to know you better this yr when we were pathetically seperated by one dear sundheep.haha.and talking so much during chinese class.hope i'll hav the chance to br you to church hard in hav a bright future!
wen xuan-sry bout knocking you over during bball.youre too short >.< haha.or mayb im jus blind.but thanks for being a supportive fren these six yrs.great knowing you.
ervin-had alot of fun and crazy times with you.sry for almost killing your pencilcase last yr.haha.glad to b able to confide in you.but there were the times we were pissed at each other.haha.and thanks for my bubble tea delivery to my doorstep.dont forget to rmb me k?haha
haoqing-my dear shuai ge.haha.always so quiet in schh.but talk so much online and msn.finally realised youre not a freak who cannot talk.haha.but someone whos pretty nice actually.when youwant to b nice.but when you dont want to b nice..haha.
keneth-the com whiz.thanks for jus being there :p still dont know you that well yet but there are still many more yrs to get to know you better.
zacchaeus-thanks for all the help youve given me.helping me find stuff on the net.and sry bout those times i was pissed at you and shouted or scolded you.pai sehh.haha.
sean-AHH MY BAO BEI DIDI.haha.had fun talking to you on the patting your head.oh and thanks for the bible!!i love it.haha.i really hope you'll go to church regularly.and grow in faith.will pray for you =)
yujun-really really sry bout all the times we ganged up to bully you.haha.but had fun knowing you all these make a really great fren but try not to give in to ppl too much.if not you'll get bullied nxt yr too.haha.sigh.nobody to help me do theory hw nxt yr liao.haha.
okkay thats abt the 6aie ppl.nxt is ppl frm other classes and my juniors.
meifen-thanks for being my bestie last yr :P youre a really great fren and talented in art.hope you will excel in art.youre a really nice girl but learn to talk more and express yourself and you will be heard.
yunwei-i love going to your hse!! =) haha.thanks for always being there for me and listening whenever i had some problems or smth.glad to hav had the chance to br you to church.hope to b able to do it again.keep smiling and the world will smile at you too :P
gabbie-yepps smurf number three.even though nxt yr go sec schh liao.but i wont forget you de.still want to go your hse whenever i lik.and i need someone to take care of my fish while im away XD.haha.youll always b my bestie forever.and fergus rocksrocksrocks.haha.we screamed till we had no more voice during sports day.but i had a fun time that day and we actually killed all the pompoms.haha.
zhen ming-you've showed me that some ppl jus put on an appearance.but theyre actually vry nice on the inside:P youre a great guy so show your inner self more k? jia you bro!!
clara-we still get to go to same ballet class nxt yr!! i still see you quite time to go your church right?COME MY CHURCH.haha.the ppl there all vry nice one.anyway you already know michy abby sharon sam and chan at least you know some ppl.look forward to your moms YES to come to my church :P
melissa-went crazy when we went swimming at warren.haha.and last yr when you and erv had that popcorn fight in the movie theater and I WAS SITTING IN THE MIDDLE OF BOTH OF YOU.ahh.i havent get you for that yet.haha.all the best.
haafizah-youre a great junior.continue learning frm your seniors who will b in p6 nxt harder and you will do even hav shown that you can do it! dont give up ya!!
okkay thats abt all for schh ppl.but now i guess the ppl in churchh will also want theirs too right.haha.finefine.i dont want to get my head chopped off on sunday..
michele-youre the bestbestbest bestie anyone cld ever lucky to hav gotten to know you.God put me here to stop you frm swearing and guide you.i hope i'll b able to do that :P so we're going to the same schh nxt yr so we'll b in the same cell too.WHOOPEE.haha.if youve any problems im jus a phone call or sms away.thanks for making me feel loved =) i know you love me baby but i love you more.haha.
abigail-another of my chio know me even better than i thats a gd thing.but now i cannot hide anything frm you liao.thanks for drawing me closer to God and praying with me all the time.nxt yr we help out at vbc together kaes?look forward to knowing you EVEN better :P. yepps.
sharon-youre such a sweet and nice girl.haha.with such a nice haircut too.haha.of cos la its i cut de ma.i want to know you even better.and thats an order.haha.hope you'll grow even stronger in the Lord and continue to go to church regularly.bored or anything jus call me.thats what my mouth is for-talking to sharon!!haha.
samuel-samsamkorkor!!haha.the evil one who turned back on his grp during vbc and threw water bombs at us unexpectedly.argghh.haha.i know you love to suan me but i know you actually love me alot la.haha.thanks for being such a great listener and praying with me.i know i can trust you :p got to know you so well after youth camp.but theres still space to know you even better. :P
chan hong-dont really know you but sry bout mistaking that you were in sec one.paisehh!!haha.rmb to do your qt and prayer everyday and all the best for your o lvls nxt yr!!
caleb-so nice to talk to.and at least you dont bully me like sam.haha.but i wont forget the time you two kept me in suspense for more than five hrs!!haha.can see you are really strong in your faith.continue to grow in His word and pls br all your frens to R-AGE.:P
sheryl and grace-so glad you two are going to b my cms nxt yr.look foward to it and hope you guys will bring me even closer to God.hope that you two will grow closer to each other as you guide our cell.i think you guys will make great role models for our cell members to follow =)
cheryl-YOU DIDNT TELL ME YOU KNEW CLARA!! can ice skate really well so train hard with clara and you both will succeed.i'll always rmb you as the noisy girl during polar bear.:P haha.
danielho daniel soh and benjamin foo-jus got to know you guys a few days ago.but youre seem really nice.hope youre had fun skating.or rather learning to skate.hope we'll get a chance to skate together again.and hoho, YOURE SO moremoremore.and act so innocent during polar bear and kick your dear sinseh out immediately.daniel soh was there during vbc right?im going to get you for throwing water bombs at us.haha.and ben foo seems nice.has three siblings who are really strong in the Lord so i assume youre even stronger in God?well hope you'll bring me closer to God. :p
celine-glad to b able to know you during youth camp.youre a nice girl baby, and i love your haircut (i think i already told you that ten times.haha) all the best for your o lvls nxt yr:P
joeltang-so glad for you.youve gotten into acsi!!dont worry when you come across obstacles,God is jus putting you to the test.i can see youre a really changed person now.God has done his work in you and youve been given your second chance.any problems you know who to call.haha.if you feel bad or anything.rmb.JANICE TRUSTS YOU ALWAYS.=).
matthew and calvin-the two who are always together.can see you guys are great friends.calvin the cute lil teddy bear.hope you'll understand the lessons that are actually taught during church.
allmembersofbouncingbearsduringyouthcamp2005-had a great time and lots of fun during youth camp all thanks to you guys(carmen gabrielle wai jean natalina jia liang nigel jondave eddie and serene)
i cant really think of anyone else to write abt now cos my brain is kinda overheated after typing so if i left you out jus knock me on the head to remind me k?nono br me some ice to cool my brain down.sry if i forgot anyone.not on purpose ar..cos i know there are still alot of ppl frm church i havent write abt..srysry.haha.
Posted by jann at 17:14
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
im human too
you know what?
sometimes i think you forget that im human
so let me remind you
so can you pleaseee treat me like a human??
Posted by jann at 20:55
Friday, December 23, 2005
heyysssssssss. guess what. i got into my first choice schh.mgs.YAY.haha.quite a few guys in 6a going to acsi so i get to see them in acjc.yepps.i thought i wldnt get in lor.when it was my turn to collect results.i sat down on de chair.den i was signing de thing.den ms yeong ask which sch i want to go to. i sayed methodist.den she peepedd into my report bk.she sayed.'sorry.but youre going to mgs!!'walau she scare me lor.haha.den today went to the new schh.theres going to b an orientation camp frm nxt nxt tuesday to nxt nxt i applied for mep.will know the results when schh reopen but de teacher sayed i shld get in cos of my strong music background.YAY.haha.then theres this sophia blackmore class.some inhouse scholarship programme.mus b 255 and above den can apply to TAKE DE TEST.i so heng.can take de nxt wk going back to take the test.its like some gifted class within the schh.but you get two teachers for each subject and youre taught in a different way.and I LOVE MY SCHH UNI.haha.theres this white top blue skirt pinafore thing below.then you wear this sailor blouse later going to perform for christofori grand the emcee and i dont hav a script!!ahh.and my song sounds horrible.mayb ill jus run away at de last minute.and i think ji is going to watch. =) yay.
Posted by jann at 12:40
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
melbourne and UPWARD BOUND YOUTH CAMP. heres my blog again.
HAPPY GUYS?? for those who dont know. i had to recreate my blog cos i was forcedd by you-know-who-you-guys-are.and for those of you who dont like this song.blame it on hq.haha.jkjk.and im too lazy to get a new cbox so im still using the old one.hope you guys dont mind.and rmb to tagg okkays. and im also too lazy to find a new skin so im jus using the old one again.
so i jus came back frm melbourne and youth camp.went to melbourne frm 1 to 10 was in the middle of summer and it was 12 degrees celcius during the day.smth wrong with the weather one.sooo many irritating lehh.keep buzzing around in your face went to the city.its a nice place.but everything is so EX.den went to phillips island.see all the small and cute.sry yj but picturetaking was not allowed.sryy.den went to great ocean road.the ocean is BEAUTIFUL.and the water is not contaminatedd like sentosas one.haha.then went to grampians for three days.up in the mountains.den had to go tracking.climb all those mountains.vry scenic but if youre stuck there for too long it starts to get boring.aiya i dont want to talk abt melbourne anyway we landed in spore on saturday 11 smth.and i got home at 12 smthh.
on monday i went for
UPWARD BOUND YOUTH CAMP!!i was a day late for actually startedd on sunday.and ended on too lazy to describe what we actually did there.jus go calebs blog to read. but what i want to talk abt is the was soo cool.and every one was really putting in their all to praise God.cos HE ROCKS.and you can really feel Gods prescence there.He really reachedd out and touched most of us.i was like crying the first few days and most of us were broken bfor God.but on the last day i didnt cry anymore.i felt peace.and during the camp ive been really motivatedd to change some of my badd not sitting properly.using bad words.gossiping.being so dgl elissa was really a great role model.shes really dedicated to God and active in churchh.keep it up elissa!!
on sunday when michhy abby and sharon got there.they smsed me and sayed i was not with anyone else in cc4 in my games grp.i was like DIEDIEDIE.cos im like new thre and i dont know anyone.but when i got there everyone was really friendly and i made many new grp members are carmen gabrielle wai natalina jean jondave eddie jialiang serene.and i made lots of new frens frm other grps too.everyones really nice at
R-AGE.really thank
God for the chance to go to this camp and through it i believe im a changedd person. the speaker paster janet was really funny so we listened attentively to her sermons (first time in my history).and for once i didnt touch my hp during the few hours we were in the service hall :P
camp has been a really touching experience and i think this is one of the longest posts ive ever written but it cant compare to joey's (2900 words)haha.hope that my christian life will really b UPWARD BOUND.cant wait to get to
heaven!! =)
Posted by jann at 10:39