today's haoqing's birthday, and we've been friends for let's see. this is the sixth year. uh thats like. almost half my life. ohman=x
here's a little thanksgiving for haoqing:
it's been great knowing you, with all your crappy random nonsense. after knowing you for so long then do i realise you can be emo and sensitive and all. and its nice to see your softer side once in awhile. but all that aside, you're fun and really really crappy. stay pretty dear(: haha!
pic we took last fri at ntuc. haha.
and happy third day of cny everyone else!
i think this is going to be the first time of the entire history of me and my blog that i've posted pics. haha. i feel so accomplished cos ive like uploaded all my pics from mep concert and friday.(this is a terribly big feat for janice soon, for those who dont already know)
so on thursday we went to old ford factory at night. it was where we signed the papers of surrender during world war two at 6.20 am on 15 feb 1942. it was a good exhibition. with the real board room and all where they signed it. a guided tour, lotso f pics and exciting info. and since the day we went was also 15 feb, the SPI ( singapore paranormal investigators ) were there and had set up all their equipment. they had a recorder and some sensors in the board room, with the whole screen showing what was in the room outside the building. and an altar with candles and offerings and all. on this table. set up outside the building. to attract the spirits there. and after the tour the people from spi told us some freaky stories and all. and mrs chen was afraid that we would be disturbed. cos they did show us pics of some supposedly 'orbs' and some freaky stories about little kids following you, third eye and all. so mrs chen prayed for us before we left.
im so glad to be in a mission school(:
but actually after a discussion with my dad after that night. i realised that spirits can and probably exist. i think ive mentioned the holy ghost thing before. and how else do angels and demons exist. they are spirits and they do exist in some form. i guess orbs are just some stuff of the heavenly realm. but of course the angels/ demons have to choose to reveal themselves to us first before some will get to see them. after all angels did appear to mary and those people in the bible.and we do hear of people who are demon possesed. so these angels and demons have to exist i some form, and they might just be the orbs some people see.
aiya dunno luh. but i think its highly probable.
then friday we had cny celebrations in sch then went back to fuhua. new principal there already. shes malay. miss taha. then met jolene jillian zengxue ervin haoqing wenxuan clarice kaisan angeline shiteng weichen and we went to jec kobayashi for lunch. i just had chawamushi :D then we went to take neoprints cos shiteng and clarice wanted to. ji and jo refused to. haha. then after that ji jo and zengxue and wenxuan and weichen went back first.
but i managed to catch a pic with ji jo and zx first(:
here they are

us four, outside the neoprint centre. i love all of them to bits<3
from left : zengxue, jo, ji me.
ji and me(:
shant post all of them here, just those i look nice in. LOL.
then we - clarice angeline hq erv kai and me watched just follow law. quite okay luh, the show. i liked the themes jack neo poked at. about not always following the law, the restricitions and 'ineffeciency' of our society. how we always suckup to those in higher positions. basically a number of problems our society yeps
then after that we took some pics, then went to library and took more pics in front of the no photography sign at the lift on the first floor. and got scolded =x haha
we met ying there<3

and we all walked into the fourth floor girls toilet and took a pic of our reflection!
ervin and me at ntuc
haoqing wanted this pic taken.
and sherri and me at mep concert!

twotee peeps at mep concert!:D
from left : roxanne, yu, suat, viv, me, anna, jess, sherri!