Saturday, July 28, 2007
founders day went pretty good: D i was so honoured to be given that chance to play.anyway i was eating oreos on the bus one one packet has three i ate the first one.then i was listening to music on my ipod too: Dokay so it was some song i cant rmb what.then i told myself not to eat anymore. cos its ILLEGAL to eat on the bus and national laws arent made to be broken and should be respected cos God put our lawmakers and all in authority over us. okay so anyway. i was really hungry, as i always am. so i reached into my bag to get another oreo. and i knew that if i ate the second one, i would eat the third too cos i would think. theres only one left, might as well finish it - temptation. and lack of self discpline. blah. haha.anyway. so i reached in and got hold of the second oreo. then the song i was listening to ended. then the next song started playing. ( it was on shuffle) the very first line of the song wentthis is my desire,to honour You.the holy spirit was so obviously telling me to let go of that oreo and not eat on the bus. if i claim that my desire is to honour God. then i shouldnt eat the oreo. cos if i eat it, i b reak a law. in no way is breaking a law very glorifying of im really glad i had that lesson. i hope the rest of you guys who read this are reminded not to eat on the bus the next time you want to(:and the moment i got of the bus. i chomped down the two oreos : Dha.
Posted by jann at 16:25
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
dance dance dance
my life has been eat sleep dance repeat. haha. super tiring. anyway, i wa tched the seven o clock show just now. kinship. and wenya is super annoying. i just want yingjun and yusheng to get together. channel eight dramas are just sooooo annoying.hahahaha.oh and yinsha is a TOTAL PAIN. cant stand her.okayokay. uhh. oh founders day rehearsal yesterday and today. so hardly any sch. tmr's mg founders day! i'm playing the prelude(:
and last sunday ballet under the stars was alright. not as good as dance fantasia. dance fantasia was GREAT. the theater was packed full. and the performances were good. i thought serangoon jc and sajc were super super good. they reallyreally are. and serangoon's music is cool. its like. freaky and rag-doll-ish. haha!and then ten dancers from each sch got to do the finale. its an individual four eight presentation by each schfor finale then the grand finale is all the ten dancers from each sch on stage. some mass dance thingy. super super super nice. it was a hit! anyone who wasnt there should regret it NOW. hahahaha. it was really super good. it was the syf dance showcase. so obv all the good dances right. with good dancers like. ME. haha kidding.anyway. founders day rehearsals has made me high on hymn. the lyrics of joyful joyful we adore thee are so beautiful. i love that song. and bless this sch also. but the piano part for bless this sch is super hard la. haha. hymns are cool:Dthen on sunday it wasnt as good. i mean not as good quality. ballet under the stars:D then lau grace and i bought the sdt shirt. i wish i had gotten a ballet under the stars one. to rmb that i performed in it. ohwell. another year. anyway the shirt isnt that nice .its like. dark blue. haha. and then after we cleaned up i went down to watch the rest of the performances. my daddy mama and bro was there. they bought tickets. like 20 bucks each. super ex la, considering its outdoors. then i only made it there in time to see the sdt ballets. which was all i wanted to see. not interesed in the rest. OMG THEIR CHOREOGRAPHY WAS BEAUTIFUL. its breathtaking. and they dance with so much grace. like sooo much. everything just flows so gently yet they're so strong. esp on pointe.haha. and yeah, the choreography is really smart. mhms. and oh ya. the stage was slanted backwards cos its at the bottom of fort canning green. so when we danced we all felt super giddy. and it was hard to pirouette.and it started raining so they only did the first movement of the last dance. piano concerto number smth by tchaikovsky i think. yeps.and yeah thats all i guess. oh i got new jazz pants and a new black leotard on sat. so now i have six leos : DDDDDDDDDone black. one mulberry. one red(love it the most!its super hot) one hot pink. one maroon. one nude. as in skin coloured. mhms.leo's are cool. now i want purple, dark blue. then i'll start getting exotic colours. like green and yellow.haha. that'd be super funxDhahaoh and i watched transformers on sat. like FINALLY AFTER SO SUPER LONG. was really really really really good!but i watched it at like. 9.30 to 1145. so i yawned through most of the show. but i stayed awake.haha. and we were like SECOND ROW. blah.the cinema was packed. first row was full too. and this is like. three weeks after the show came out. shows how good it is!haha.okay thats all.just now i was bathing. and i was thinking about where new ideas came from. how can someone who is 'creative' just pop out an idea out of no where. is the human mind really capable of throwing up smth that is totally new and out of the world?or does creativity come from putting one and one a purple know purple, you know cow. you add them together. you get smth new = a purple that creativity?
Posted by jann at 21:06
Saturday, July 14, 2007
hmm.i need to update.let's start with wednesday. went out with grace(: went to imm.haha. we wanted to go town but uh. grace didnt know how to get home from there =x LOL. super funny. anyway it was really fun. we stayed there till six? but we had lunch at kap first. and she bought alot alot of things. like. a ten dollar body shop nail file. i dont know how anyone can bear to spend TEN BUCKS on a nail file. but anyway. then we both bought quite alot of earrings. and went to find nice dresses but couldnt find any. she bought a bag. i bought her like. alot alot of nail polish that she chose for her birthday. and we went to the face shop. and we went to try on nail polish. on MY precious nails. like one nail one finger. then there was this colour. i didnt use the tester. i just took the bottle for sale one. then that woman made me buy it. grah. but its very pretty.its like golden green silverish colour. haha. then we tried on alot of types of green. some just look silver. then i convinced her to buy a solid christmas tree green colour. haha! and yeah. then i went to buy maddies bday present. it was a school bag. haha. like seven of us paid for it. then clare found out on thursday and wanted to share so she paid two bucks and we ran down to buy a g2 pen for maddie with it. anyway maddie seemed pleased with the bag(:but she said it was kinda small. but ohwell. take a look at my sch bag and hers is huge. haha.okay then on thursday. oh went to meet beryl and sharon and je macs for followup. it's been a long time. haha. didnt do at all during hols. but it was really really great. we did it for like more than two hours. but we had alot of other rubbish as well la. haha. then went for guit class. im really glad to see beryl so hungry for God. i wish i were like that too.then on friday. we left sch at 12. went for rehersal at ulu pandan cc. the stage is PUNY. makes the dance look so messy. but it turned out very pretty today.haha. then yesterday, we were quite fussy cos the stage was so small. so in the end they tied up the wing curtains so we have like, more space to dance. haha. then yeah. the thing ended at like. what. two fifteen?haha. super early la. we thought we had to stay till five or smth. so i went home. then i watched princess diaries two. cos i felt like watching it. then i went to play piano. then watch the five oclock show. then had dinner. and i wasted half the night playing smth really really really stupid. shant embaress myself by saying what it is. haha.then uh. oh right this morning. performance. yeah so it went well. then waste time there eating the free food. LOL. haha. then went home. then ate lunch.then napped. then woke up. then bathed. then went to g2 to pick jie up. then went to watch was spectacular.great.amazing.AWESOME. haha im serious. of all the fourteen ndps if watched in my life. this has been the best. there were so many laser displays and the there was this part they had people fly those controlled airplanes (the toy ones) lighted up just above the platform and had lasors shining across. so it looked lovely. then the display of the tanks and ships were cool. like the soldiers wouldrun out of their tanks run up the steps and pose. LOL. the poses were super super cute. haha. then i got obsessed with wanting to become a freefaller. cos its so super cool.haha. then after that they had this part whereby there were forty commandos from the best unit who dont know what its called. like abseiling but theres no wall for you to bounce again. repel. or smth. i dont know la. cant rmbthe word. then it was super cool. they came downthe shears bridge and into the water. haha. then there was this shinook that flew really really low. like three meters above the water. then it blew up alot of water droplets and got the people sitting at the merlion there wet. haha! cos they were wat ching from there. oh and we got really really good seats. almost in the middle. and a good row too. and then some guys jumped down from the shinook into the water. and the rest were more or less the same. this years theme was marine thingos. so they had pri sch kids dress up as starfish and fish and all. they were so cute, bouncing about. and yeah. thats about all. the rest was the same. the planes. the songs and all. and it was super funny cos there was no choir and no mp. so they had fake people and made them carry signs saying first mp and last mp. and this guy sitting on the chair with the sign 'choir' haha!anyway, it was pretty good i'd say.and next week is going to be super busy. im going to die dancing.monday - rehearsal at sajc.tuesday - zakiwed- tech rehearsal at uccthursday - full dress rehearsal ( leave sch at ten) and syf dance fantasia PREVIEW. in the evening.then friday- rehearsal plus syf dance fantasia! ( big thing!)sat - free. phew.sun - ballet under the stars : Dthats all.i'm going to collapse!
Posted by jann at 22:59
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
kiss the girls goodnight.
go listen to joey, by bon jovi. it's a nice song(:okay anyway, combined chapel yesterday. miss kon shared a story about this girl called mary jones. she lived in the welsh mountains and she walked to miles to go to church each week. she really looked forward to it. the pastor would read out of the big book with the words 'holy bible' on the front of it. she longed to do so. a few years later, a teacher came to that town and mary learnt to read. one week, the pastor asked her to stand up and read a passage from the bible to the congregation. boy, was she pleased!her parents were so proud of her. it was an honour to be able to do so. mary really really longed to have a bible of her own. her parents said no, it was too expensive. besides, they didnt sell bibles there. so she went to ask around and she found out that they sold bibles at the nearest town. it was 25 miles away. she walked and walked the entire 25 miles. and bought the bible after saving for a long time. this is my brief version of the story. what really spoke to me about her was that (its a true story by the way) she was so HUNGRY for God. she really was. she wanted to read the bible so much, she treated it like a jewel. do we? do I? and the question that came to mind was am i hungry for God? i know im not as hungry as God as her. im ashamed of myself. so the question is,WHY am i not as hungry for God?because i grew up surround by christians and church that i take it for granted?perhaps.i want to be that hungry. i want to thirst like her. with that, i will be more passionate for Him.okay i think i have to well, pray. thats the only answer i can think of right now.but prayer is a fantastic solution to many questions and troubles. prayer doesnt solve problems, prayer provides one who will take them away.incredible yeah?okay so to sch stuff.mrs chan askedme to play the piano for founders day. christian songs, plus a prelude. plus the Lord's prayer for the sch to sing =x ahh. haha. big responsibility. cos violette is too busy to play this year. but im really honoured she asked me to do it. i mean violette is wayy better. nvm, i hope this will push me to work harder.piano exam date is out. 3 aug. AHH. i really disappointed ms tan. she told me today i was one of her most promising students but now, aiya, very little confidence .and i dont blame her. my pieces are like. blah. the B piece is pretty good, we both agree. thats like, my only hope. if everything else does as well as that, i'll definitely get at LEAST a merit. definitely. haha. but everything else is no where near. sight reading is pretty good. i hope i score there. haha. i think, i hope i do really wel lfor that. scales shouldnt be a problem. except for chromatics in third. they sound echo-y. i'll have to work on that. aural seems to be pretty smooth for me this year, somehow. haha. im grateful to God for that. and A piece. okay uh no one else knows but it doesnt really matter to anyone anyway. i changed m yA piece. in may. which is a killer. its nuts. do that, you'll probably fail.haha. but i had no choice. it was originally a prelude and fugue. and I CANT PLAY THE FUGUE. i really really really cant. so i told ms tan i want to change. haha. now this ones coming pretty okay. but not performance standard. c piece ah. wahhhhh. sigh.haha. dont talk about it.yeah so i hope i pass well anyway. i shant say too much and dissapoint myself.ballet exam results are out. i got 87. second in class. first is stacie, 91. haha im quite okayly happy la. distinction. but i would have liked 90 th0ugh.haha nvm. shant be too greedy. thank God i even got 87. i made more mistakes than most people in my class. haha. quite amazing the examiner wrote such nice things about me. God really blesses me eh. haha.oh and im proud of myself. for obeying my mama and not whining. shant bother explaining the whole thing out here. i want to SLEEEEEEP. nights :D
Posted by jann at 23:44
Sunday, July 08, 2007
i think i need inner peace. peace that comes from within. peace that allows me to remain tranquil even in the midst of the rush and action around me. peace that will let me feel comfortable. peace that is void of tension. peace that can only come from Him.i really really desperately need that peace (hey, it rhymes!)i dont want to get angry anymore. i dont want to make stupid decisions or say things that displeases Him.i just want to do what's right.what's right and what's wrong?where do morals come from.God?what pleases and displeases Him?what about decisions then. how do i know which choice to make?where are there always so many questions.why are there always so many questions left unanswered.but i think it was all for the better that God made us humans that had limited brains and thinking capacity.if not i think i would really since there's no way we can answer everything,is it then so that no human can ever be wise?is wisdom knowing everything, or is that knowledge.if knowing all the answers is knowledge, what then is wisdom?WHY AM I ASKING SO MANY being curious good?i think JANCIE SOON being curious is it?why are we curious.why arent we satisfied with what we already know.i guess not being satisfied with knowledge propells us forward and in the end we do learn and aquire more knowledge.but knowledge isnt it all. i want wisdom too.where does wisdom come from?listening?how do i become asking?not being satisfied lets us learn more.but sometimes i just want to be satisfied with what i have.anyway, whats the difference between satisfaction and contentment?i want to be happy with what i have, i want to be satisfied with what i have.greeds and worldly desires often takes over that then a sin?is it wrong to live a more comfortable and luxurious life?is it wrong to enjoy life materialistically?note- if you want to attempt to answer any of these questions, please do not do so on my tagboard. thanks(:pps. if you really do try to answer them for me, thanks for trying(:i really really appreciate someone who will bother putting up with me and my annoying questions.are they annoying by the way?okay. right. let me talk about what does not annoy people -what happens.but then, that would be descriptive, not like a discussion on an issue or a situation. wouldnt it be so lacking substance then?just like the newspapers.statecontrolled.what am i controlled by?fear that people wont like what they're reading?why do i even bother about that anyway.okay maybe i should lighten up.anyway, i feel pretty bad now. dont even know why.blah.had the environment conference thing on fri and sat. full days. super tiring. got home and went straight to sleep.they invited our twinning schs from india and penang. as well as fairfield, ac barker and inde, ang mo kio, pioneer, fajar. and a few more cant rmb was pretty interesting.the food was not bad.haha.i liked the discussions on the second day.basically, our earth is dying.LET'S SAVE OUR EARTH.RECYCLE, REUSE, REDUCE.DON'T USE AIRCON, USE FAN.CARPOOL.TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORT.REALLY, DUMP YOUR STUFF IN RECYCLING BINS.yeah smth like that.haha.then service today. youth service in g2 started service was abit empty today. the musicians were kindof sian. i gave jessie and amanda a daisy each. i feel so nice :D haha.then went for lunch with jessie tiff eunice kenneth toh sam johnn and caleb. subway:D whoa, i havent had subway for the longest time. really. haha. it feels good to have subway(: and kenneth wore this shirt that i really really really like. its so. pretty. haha. i dont know if thats the right word but yeah. and i havent been to subway in the longest longest time ever.i miss s ubway.haha.then. okay nvm.i shall end here(
Posted by jann at 21:39
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
had d&d on sunday. went to tiffanies house to bathe. then wore the cheer costume. wah. the skirt is so super short laa. thank goodness i had spankies:D okay nvm, no one knows what im talking about.haha. then her parents drove all of us to YWCA. then we prac prac. then during prac. blah. i supported deborah to go up the flower then ran infront to support her from the front to early. she fell backwards squatting down on their hands and she like. tore a muscle or smth. so we tried to make it recover in like one hour. but it didnt work. so we had to re choreograph the whole thing. ahh. in like half an hour. so scary. so the item was pretty messy.but it went okay. the dinner was fun. sat in between jessie and kenneth. there were some games and performances. mr and ms r-age and what nots. and yeah. the zong ji mi ma thing but add in gross food, blend it then make the pastors drink. haha. yeah. david choo performed. abigail sin performed. joey performed. yeah. it was not bad. but the food was pretty lousy. haha.
then on monday got the evangelistic treasure hunt. brought stacie(: ran around. was in grace's group. we didnt win.haha but nevermind. the lunch was pretty okay.haha. then we like cabbed most of the way for the game. quite fun la. then went chris house to do the bio project. talked alot alot to chris. had fun cutting satay sticks up.haha!
then went home. yeah.
then i fell asleep in geog yesterday. and mrs tang tapped my desk.haha!
okay thats!

okay im only going to upload one. my sis wants to use the com NOW. bye!
Posted by jann at 21:12